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Fall 2020 Meeting

Fall 2020 Meeting Summary

(will add actual minutes once finalized - link to presentation below:)

Thanks to everyone who could join our online HOA meeting Monday night. We had 19 member families on the call and 20 represented with a proxy.

What we covered:

  • We reviewed meeting minutes from the previous meeting

  • Reviewed updates since the previous meeting

  • Discussed HOA Dues Increase

  • Discussed Capital Project Proposals

  • Voted on HOA Business

    • Dues Increase

      • The HOA membership voted 12-8 to raise the annual membership dues from $220/year to $400/year. Many in the membership have expressed a desire to continue to improve common areas of the neighborhood. There were several comments about the need to address the south entrance in particular. There was concern expressed that an increase was not needed and improvements could continue to be made by HOA members. After some discussion, the vote to increase was motioned and seconded and then approved by a 12-8 majority. As is referenced in the next 2 bullets, the HOA membership wants a significant voice in how the funds will be used and prioritized. An online poll will be built for this purpose.

    • Capital Project Proposals

      • The HOA membership voted unanimously to create a poll to reflect the desire and priority of capital project expenditures going forward over the next few years.

        • Some suggested examples:

          • South entrance landscaping & neighborhood sign/monument

          • North entrance landscaping

          • Pond aerators (need to see how it could be powered)

          • New pond signage (old signage needs replaced)

          • Pond fence extension

    • Other Minor Business

      • The HOA membership voted unanimously to acquire a small business accounting package like QuickBooks Online - this is intended to provide reporting to the HOA membership as well as provide the ability to do online invoicing and bill payment.

      • The HOA membership unanimously approved the acquisition of 2 motion-activated solar lights for the pond gate entrance and the dock - up to $500.

    • New HOA Board Members

      • Bill Discher & Grant Chapin volunteered to join the board and were unanimously approved (thank you!)

      • Board Assignments were held after the general meeting:

        • Pam Gustafson - Board President (filled vacancy left by Trey Schroeder)

        • Bill Discher - incoming Treasurer (filled Bob Hesseler's position)

        • Rob Broomfield - continue as Board VP (outgoing in spring 2021)

        • Grant Chapin - incoming Board VP (filled Pam Gustafson's VP position)

        • Jim Hoskins - continue as Board Secretary

This email address: will be used for all announcements going forward. Feel free to forward HOA related business to this email and it will be routed as necessary.

Link to Meeting Presentation

September 23

Spring 2020 Board Meeting Minutes (postponed due to COVID)

May 26

Spring 2021 Meeting